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Delicious chicken with garlic

1 4 1/2 - 5 - pound whole roasting chicken
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 16 - ounce package peeled fresh baby carrots
1 16 - ounce package frozen pearl onions
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Ground black pepper
2 6 - ounce jars marinated artichoke hearts, drained
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Chicken broth or stock
1/4 cup milk or half-and-half
4 teaspoons  honey mustard
1 teaspoon packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon  sauce
Preheat oven to 375 degrees  chicken body and cavity; pat dry with paper towels.
To truss the chicken, pull the neck skin over the opening and secure it to the back with a small skewer. Using 100-percent-cotton kitchen string, tie the drumsticks together. . Twist wing tips so they rest beneath the chicken . Place chicken, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Insert an oven-safe meat thermometer into the center of an inside thigh muscle. Do not let the thermometer stem touch the bone or the pan.
In a small bowl, combine olive oil, lemon juice, thyme, garlic salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Brush oil mixture over the chicken.
Arrange carrots and pearl onions around chicken in pan. Drizzle vegetables with the melted butter; season with salt and pepper. Roast, uncovered, for 1 hour. Add drained artichoke hearts. Continue to roast 30 minutes to 1 hour more or until the drumsticks move easily in sockets and chicken is no longer pink
Remove chicken from oven and transfer to a cutting board. Cover loosely with foil; let stand for 10 minutes before carving the chicken. Transfer the vegetables to a serving bowl; keep warm. While chicken stands, prepare sauce.
For sauce: Pour pan drippings into a large measuring cup. Scrape the browned bits from the pan into the cup. To skim fat, tip the measuring cup and use a metal spoon to carefully remove the clear fat that rises to the top; reserve fat from the drippings. In a small saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of the fat  over medium heat. Stir in flour. Add enough chicken broth to remaining drippings in the measuring cup to equal 1 cup liquid. Add broth mixture and milk all at once to flour mixture in the saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir for 1 minute more. Stir in mustard, brown sugar and  sauce.


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