Egg - 4 pcs
Milk - 1 glass
Sugar dust - 1 glass
Vanilla - 5 gram
Cacao - 2 spoon
Flour - 1 glass
Craem - shanty - 1 box
Baking powder - 5 gram
İce cream - 2 box
Cream - milk , cream - shanty, vanilla
Dough:egg , flour, vanilla, cacao,baking powder
Prepare:We separate yellow of egg.
play egg till the person which is in the white colour then.
add to the yolk of egg then. Mix confuse well. Add lemon water, cocoa, flour, dust of over-emphasizing and ice-cream to inside.And cook 35 minutes.

Milk - 1 glass
Sugar dust - 1 glass
Vanilla - 5 gram
Cacao - 2 spoon
Flour - 1 glass
Craem - shanty - 1 box
Baking powder - 5 gram
İce cream - 2 box
Cream - milk , cream - shanty, vanilla
Dough:egg , flour, vanilla, cacao,baking powder
Prepare:We separate yellow of egg.
play egg till the person which is in the white colour then.
add to the yolk of egg then. Mix confuse well. Add lemon water, cocoa, flour, dust of over-emphasizing and ice-cream to inside.And cook 35 minutes.