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Home » » Bozbaş recipe

Bozbaş recipe

Per head , 150 grams mutton
Melted butter, 15 grams
Pea, 30 grams
Potato, 100 grams
Onion,1 pcs
Tomato paste, 15 grams
Dry mint, salt and pepper
60 gram 3 pieces meat is taken for bozbash.
Pea has cleaned and it is been in the cold water within 4 hour
Meat and pea should earn and have been put and cold water and cooked is poured onto.

Scum is removed.
Onion where have cut to inside where have stayed a little, have/has been peeled and been cut potato and tomato paste is cooked join .
Time has been given to table-cloth dry and is sown mint onto the bozbash.


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